Metrolinx’s Transit Procurement Initiative (TPI) has become one of North America’s most innovative transit procurement programs. TPI has worked with 46 transit agencies across Ontario at various times since the program began in 2006. TPI’s joint procurements for buses have involved 36 transit agency partners across the province purchasing 6 vehicle types including: 18-metre; 12-metre; 9-metre; 8-metre (low & high floor); 7-metre (low & high floor); and mini bus. In addition to bus procurements TPI has completed joint procurements for bus parts (TIMS) in 2011, an Intelligent Transportation System – Automated Vehicle Location Solution (ITS-AVL) in 2016, and a video camera surveillance system in 2017. This consolidation of municipal transit procurement has saved Ontario taxpayers an estimated $25.9 million* in purchasing and administrative costs (* as of March 31, 2018).
1,560 buses ordered as of March 31, 2018 across 6 vehicle models
Accumulated savings and cost avoidance across all TPI projects for participating transit agencies has reached $25.9 million*
Metrolinx has leveraged this unique position to create one of the largest and most innovative joint transit procurement programs in North America, one driven entirely by voluntary participation. The success of this program has helped redefine how municipal authorities leverage transit financial purchases, from the actual buses to their service and repair. TPI supports Metrolinx’s mandate to act as the central procurement agency for local transit systems across Ontario (Metrolinx Act, 2006, s. 5(1)(b)).
Our collective expertise builds your fleet strength
Since the inception of the program with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario in 2006, through the transfer of the program to Metrolinx in 2008, TPI has helped small, medium and large transit systems across the province save money. From the original six participating municipalities, the program has expanded to include 46 transit operators. Synergies are created by combining the experience and knowledge of bus fleet managers with vehicle specification, procurement and operational experts, creating a performance-based specification to maximize operational efficiency, increase purchasing power, and decreasing capital and operational costs.
Added value
Although bottom line savings are a major objective, TPI provides a number of value-added services such as:
- Industry experienced TPI staff to develop detailed technical specifications, develop the RFP and manage the contract
- Enhanced contract terms and product warranties
- Increased quality control through in-plant inspection of buses
- Evaluation Committee made up of transit participants
- Fairness Commissioner services to oversee the procurement process, where applicable
- In December 2017 the TPI Team was awarded one of Metrolinx’s most coveted internal awards – the Metrolinx Linx Award in the Service Excellence Team Category.
- Metrolinx’s TPI program has also been the recipient of numerous awards in the fields of Supply Chain and Innovation.
- The Supply Chain and Logistics Association of Canada President Award for the Transit Inventory Management Service (TIMS) of the Transit Procurement Initiative
- The Purchasing Management Association of Canada Award for Supply Chain Excellence for TIMS
- The Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s Peter J. Marshall Innovation Award for TIMS provided to all participants of the program
TPI coordinates the development of a performance-based specification which allows for bulk purchasing of various bus sizes, propulsion systems, parts and fleet related technology (ITS-AVL and video camera surveillance), allowing transit systems to customize specifications for their needs.
Source: Metrolinx | Read more: