Thank you to all who took part in consultation and engagement activities related to the Draft 2041 Regional Transportation Plan. We heard from thousands across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area and beyond. All feedback was thoroughly reviewed and an Engagement Report has been developed to summarize what we heard about the Draft Plan’s vision, goals, strategies, priority actions and “Making it Happen” throughout the fall of 2017.
The Draft Plan was revised and strengthened to reflect feedback received from municipal partners, stakeholders and the general public. The result of this work is a Draft Final 2041 Regional Transportation Plan and a Making it Happen Paper. We encourage you to read these reports and stayed tuned for future updates.
About the Draft Plan
The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) has become one of the largest and fastest-growing regions in North America. It is recognized as one of the world’s most desirable places in which to live, work, learn and invest. The Draft Final 2041 RTP outlines how governments, transit agencies, businesses, civic organizations and the public can work together to continue building an integrated transportation system. A system that supports a high quality of life, a prosperous and competitive economy and a protected environment in our region. As the provincial agency mandated with improving the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the GTHA, Metrolinx has developed the Draft Final Plan in consultation with partners, stakeholders and the public.
At the heart of the Draft Plan are five Strategies that will turn this ambitious vision for the region into reality. They provide a blueprint for action, helping solidify the Plan with goals and milestones that will move the GTHA forward to 2041.
Strategy #1: Complete Delivery
Working closely with partners and community stakeholders, we’ve already seen a massive expansion in rapid transit infrastructure investment. You can see the progress that’s been made with new Light Rail Transit, Bus Rapid Transit, GO and subway extensions. With early successes already moving thousands in the region, it’s more important than ever we keep up the momentum as a region.
Strategy #2: Connect the Region
Over the next 25 years the Draft Plan calls for historic levels of transit investment, delivering more — and more frequent — transit service across the region. It will cross regional borders more simply and efficiently. Rapid transit every 15 minutes, priority bus corridors, new light rail and a 24-hour Bus Network on key routes will cater to the increased demand of an economy that doesn’t end at 5 pm.
Strategy #3: Optimize the System
It’s not just about new infrastructure. Much of what’s proposed in the Draft Plan focuses on what we can do now and in the future to optimize the transportation system we’re building. Whether that means integrating services, improving the traveller experience or investing in new technologies that assist users, it’s a better future for all residents.
Strategy #4: Shape the Region
It’s about creating access and opportunity — for everyone. The Draft Plan focuses on expanding and improving transportation across the entire region, creating door-to-door solutions for all residents. We have the chance to create a more complete and connected region. Communities and business hubs can flourish when they have better links to public transit. More transit also helps create more jobs, closer to where you live. By working with municipalities, the Draft Plan proposes that land-use decisions are always aligned with resident transportation needs, now and in the future.
Strategy #5: Change Ready
Autonomous vehicles, app-driven on-demand car services and clean technologies — these are just a few of the innovations that will be driving change in the near future. Each advance brings new challenges, new opportunities and plenty of questions. It’s time to get ready!
Source: Metrolinx. Read more: https://www.metrolinxengage.com/en/collections/draft-plan